Une chemise à pois

Thursday, October 29, 2015

ink fashion illustration polka dot lips - Alessia Landi

I bought this polka dot shirt a few days ago and I liked it so much that I wanted to draw it.

I love it because of the bow, the polka dots that are not perfectly round but rather look like they are painted with a brush, the side buttons... It has a little bit of a French vibe and when I wear it with a nice lipstick I feel très chic (one day I'll tell you about my love for French style -and food- which actually, if I think about it, is not very surprising or original as it's common to 99,9% of the fashion blogosphere).

And... That is actually everything I have to say today.

It feels a bit weird for me to post a picture without much text in the post, so I wanted to come up with an interesting story to share but nothing came to my mind. I mean, what interesting story can ever be linked to the purchase of a shirt... So then I thought "Oh come on Al, just post the damn drawing and that's it! You don't have to always be so wordy you know... Just get it over with".

So here's the drawing.
I hope you like it :)

xxx Al

Hi, it's me, I'm back

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

dior couture red gown fashion illustration watercolor - Alessia Landi

The dress is a Dior Couture (by Mr. FashionGenius Raf Simmons) as worn by Emma Watson at the Golden Globes 2014

Saturn in opposition to Taurus.
That's what was about to happen in the year 2012. And Saturn is a slow bitch so it would stay in opposition to my sign for around two years. So the horoscope said.
Revolutions, tragedies and a gloomy mood like a perennial pre-menstrual syndrome were about to happen.

But you know, I'm a scientist I don't believe in the horoscope.

No, OK, wait.

I'm a scientist but I am also a woman, and my late 20s/early 30s are so full of estrogens storms that I am becoming a gynic stereotype: sometimes I say things that could easily be taken straight from a mediocre someecard and my life for quite a while looked like Bridget Jones meets Sex and The City v2.0.
And I read the horoscope.
I am a faithful follower of the monthly-Susan Miller/weekly-Rob Brezsny religion.
But in secret. Because a molecular biologist is supposed to believe in proteins, genomes and experimentally-verified facts (preferably supported by sound statistics), not in some pseudo-science telling you that planets and stars are deciding your destiny... So don't tell anyone.

But let's go back to 2012.
I was secretly fearing the soon-to-come rage of Saturn on my stable, quite happy life.
I had a boyfriend for 10 years, we were starting to have the marriage&kids (full package) kind of talks. I was doing my PhD in Medicine (which wasn't going that well at the time but still, it worked out in the end) in Ghent, Belgium, which is a city I deeply love. I had a fashion blog, "The Red Dot", and sharing my illustrations and pictures with my readers was giving me extreme pleasure and satisfaction.
Art was a part of me, drawing was a very important side of my identity.

And then the bomb exploded.

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